Monday, February 20, 2006

Me Time is the Key

Moving a little too fast
Or maybe just a bit slow
When it comes to relationships
There are many things we need to know.
They talk about compatability
But oftentimes opposites attract
Communication is vital
Just the nitty-gritty, nothing too abstract.
Being sensitive to each other's needs
Compassion there is the key.
Let's not forget something really important
Having time apart to be me.
Me time is perhaps the most important
It's like taking a timeout from each other.
Two different people from two different worlds
Need time to breathe or in the relationship they smother.
And being smothered in love doesn't sound bad
But idiosyncracies tend to arise
When the two of you don't have a moment for yourself
The relationship seems now not to thrive.
And it's not either's fault
That things all of a sudden begin to sour
You've spent every winking moment with each other
Smothering each other with love and compassion hour after hour
Until the once flourishing blooms of the relationship
Begin to slowly wilt and die.
Now you've got your time apart from each other
Unfortunately in a grave your relationship does now lie.
And it's not too late to revive it
However your relationship's nearing its end.
Only a willing couple can bring it back from the brink
Any unwillingness will to its death send.
So truly willing or truly unwilling
We'll just have to wait and see.
I guess it's all just part of the learning curve
Me time in a relationship keeps it healthy.

composed by KCASR

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Rudderless Ship

The Rudderless Ship

Your love is like the rudder
Of my ship on a stormy sea.
Baby, without your love
Lord, what will become of me?
Left to float about aimlessly
Like a dandelion on endless air.
Never to reach port again
Leaving me in utter despair.
Until fortunately the day arrives
That I’ll sail close enough to land
And you’ll guide me into port with true love
By the extension of your hand.

5-13-02 kcasr

Monday, February 06, 2006

The True Meaning in Life

Appreciative of life
That's where I stand right now.
Understanding what's brought me to this point
Only the Lord and I know how.
For as far back as I can remember
He has always been there for me.
All the way back to when I was a tiny tot
Just getting down off my dad's knee.
Back to the days of going to church every Sunday
Or to Sunday school at the least.
Even if Saturday had been a late night you're up
'Cause in our house there would have been no peace.
Then off to school on Monday morning
I did it with such glee.
On days that I couldn't make it out of the house
My mom definitely had to worry.
For those were just two of the rituals
I grew up doing as a child.
Just reminiscing about those two things
I remember the fun times and can only smile.
Which leads me where I stand today
For a true meaning in life I search
For all I need is to think of the past
The true meaning in life is found in church.

composed by KCASR

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Just a Part of Life

Optimism was my middle name
Until this place I came to live.
Harsh realism is my actual name now
This place is more take than give.
It may sound a little cold
'Cause it truly is indeed
It's more or less take what you want
Than to actually take what you need.
Bumps in the road of life
You'll more than likely meet
Every time you leave your house
And step out into the mean street.
There's no way around it
It's just a part of life
You'll just have to learn to deal with it
Yet take the strain out of the strife.
Somehow you have to wonder
How grown folks could have known
That the harshness of street life
Was not something that was overblown.
That to a young country boy
Overwhelmed would have been the case
If he had gotten his wish
To long ago visit this place.
But hallaleujah for being older and wiser
One day the young boy would understand
That his parents weren't being overly protective
They were trying to insure he'd become a young man.
And so now I have to raise my own
In the midst of this once forbidden zone.
I just hope that I've learned enough
To guide them safely home.

composed by KCASR

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Hurdles of Life

The hurdles of life
So many in this big race.
Some are bigger than others
In failure or success you'll still have to face.
Depending on your upbringing
The key is in the mindset.
Of all that you were taught
Drawing back on all this you can bet.
The race doesn't favor the swift
You have to keep pace slow and steady
For when you encounter your first major hurdle
You'll definitely have to be ready.
And although you may stumble
Once in a while you may even fall
This is not an unexpected thing
Some won't make it over the hurdle at all.
But if you remember your lessons
Perserverance is the key
Once you eventually make it to the other side
That hurdle will be history.
And as you cross each hurdle
Take time to thank God for his help
'Cause believe me you couldn't have made it
Not all by yourself.
And as time goes by
You get further into the race
Obstacles still lay ahead
Father Time stares you in the face.
And with Father Time
He's supposedly the greatest hurdle of all.
No one has ever gotten past Him
All who have gotten to Him did fall.
So Father Time will go down
As the end of your big race.
He's the light-heavyweight champ
The heavyweight champ on Judgement Day you'll face.

composed by KCASR

The Kid's Way

Life itself is way too short
To be taken too seriously.
It's just the grownup way however
Just take this tip from me.
Not so long ago when we were kids
We couldn't wait to get grown
To move out of momma's house
To be out on our own.
To do as we would please
Or so we all thought.
But the world has rules too
That's what our parents supposedly had taught.
Now whether we've learned those lessons
It was all up to each one of you.
Of the ones who did learn
There are quite a few.
So as we go through life now
The kid thing is all but gone.
We all do things the adult way now
But in essence, it takes away all the fun.
'Cause kids don't have a care in the world
There's no seriousness to anything with them.
If adults could just take a page from the kids
The chances of ever being stressed out would be slim.
So I don't know about you
But to ensure myself of a many a bright day
I'm gonna count my blessings for this revelation
And start doing more things the kids' way.

composed by KCASR

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